Yes, my dear earthlings. Somebody is still here. I’ve been gone for quite a while. I’ve been both busy and lazy [hey, is that possible?] . So let’s just say I have been busy being lazy.
In case you haven’t noticed, our favorite sun-soaked season is over. What have you done over the cut short summer? [So many people went abroad I have to tell you. Why is everyone going abroad?!] As for moi, a few jaunts to the beach, cross-island trips, hollywood movie marathons and lots of lots of zzz’s summarize my summer. Wow. What a fun-filled summer I had huh? :)
I forget to tell you all that I am officially enrolled in UP-Visayas! My trip back to Iloilo was less troublesome as my earlier trip. This time, I made sure that I had sufficient clothes and moolah at hand and that the needed papers are carefully tuck in my file case.
But trouble will really get its way, don’t you think?
My dorm slot was endangered of being cancelled because of my late passage of the dorm application papers [d’oh? I was dumber than dumber about my documents]. But God indeed is stronger than any forces of evil out there that are trying to spill misfortune on me!
Here’s what happened:
The dorm manager decided to meet the late applicants on May 20. It was our very last chance. She wanted to communicate with us through SMS BUT her battery went dead. At that time, it was storming in Miagao [Bagyong Cosme] so there was a black out all over the province.
Black out = no electricity = can’t charge= can’t inform the late applicants = cancellation of dorm slot
But hurrah! Before her battery died, she was able to text and inform me! So there you go, I am now officially a dormer. I don’t if it was just coincidental. But I sure don’t believe in coincidences. I call it life’s little miracles. Thanks a lot Father God! If I hadn’t been accepted in the dorm, I would probably be sleeping in the streets [or forced by my mother to study here in Bacolod instead].
Everything is really exciting and scary at the same time. I’ll tell you all my college freshman jitters in another time. I don’t wanna bore you right now with my personal stories you can’t somehow relate. [ Boring blogs are.. boring. Duhness. Hehe.]
I hope you do get to realize too that miracles don’t have to be like the dead rose back to life, or Pres. GMA admitted to the ZTE scandal, or your baby fats finally disappeared. Miracles don’t have to be big stuff. Look around you. Miracles can be found in the details of life.
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