I’m gonna give you some insights about a very very interesting topic: BRACES.
So for the past 2 months, I’ve been living with this metallic device stuck on my upper and lower teeth [ which surprisingly does not rust in my saliva! Amazing, isn’t it?]. When I was younger and braces were sooo in, I’d make my own improvised braces using aluminum foil. There was also one time when I desperately bended paper clips and tried to put them on my teeth as if they were retainers. I don’t know why but back then, I just loved those thingies on people’s teeth. Braces were status symbols back then.. so I guess at my young age, I was a coño! LOL! [Don’t know what a coño is? My goosh! How luma naman your vocabulary!]
Now that I actually have braces, I’m not as ecstatic as I am supposed to be [considering how desperate I was to have braces before]. I have braces because I have seemingly crooked, bug’s bunny teeth, not because I’m still that little coño I suppose I was before. Hahaha! I guess when you finally have that something you’ve been dying to have, you start feeling more and more less satisfied.
But hands down, having braces is a whole new experience. Here are new things I encountered that came with these new thingies on my teeth:
- Every time I eat rice, I only chew half of what I swallow. The rest get stuck in-between the brackets of the braces. Some get stuck with the wire. So this meant.. less chewing! Yaay!
- When I eat bread, the chewed form of it [or what we scientifically call as bolus] gets stuck again with the braces. Such a fun, disgusting thing! Believe me, you don’t want to let me smile when I eat!
- I don’t normally use tooth pick after meals. But now, I keep a mirror and a toothpick handy at all times.
- Having braces gave me that new distinct smile. When I smile, it has to be all out like a super smile wherein the braces really become visible. So when I pose for a picture, I resemble a shark! Arararararr! Sharkbait uhaha!
- I have to cut every single thing I eat into bits and pieces because I can’t bite.
- I always found my single colored teeth to be dull and lifeless. But with braces, my teeth became colorful and funkeh!
Becoming a metalmouth is something you should experience once in your life. You’ll learn valuable life lessons which you can only learn in those 2 or so years of your life spent with braces. After living with braces for barely 60 days, here are what I’ve learned:
- The art of mouth opening. When these metals had to be installed on my teeth, I had to open my mouth [without support!] for a total of 4 hours! Because of that, I have mastered the art of opening my mouth. Every angle of my lips, every corner of my mouth, every twist of my tongue, I’ve learned ‘em all.
- The virtue of patience. Patience really is a must for someone having braces. Just imagine lying there in your dentist’s clinic with your mouth open for four hours, without even a recess or bathroom break! More than a pound of patience was needed to survive that!
- Discipline and self-control. Hard, sticky and uber sweet foods aren’t allowed for someone having braces. Now, who couldn’t resist that crispy bag of Lay’s? Or that frozen chocolate covered caramel bar? But for a metalmouth, NO is the answer for those cries of the stomach.
The only downside of these braces is its effect on the way I talk. If you know me personally, you can attest that I am a speaker. I love talking! But these braces seem to cause a disturbance when I speak. I’m kinda anxious since I’m starting College in a month and a half and my course is all about communication [Communication and Media Studies] but I’m still having those natural speech effects that come along with having braces [ you pronounce s as th].
But all in all, braces are fun! I don’t know if other bracefaces out there appreciate braces the way I do. Maybe I’m just mababaw ang kaligayahan. I guess I have to love these metals on my teeth for one simple reason: I’m stuck with ‘em for the next 24 months of my life!